Viper Days Reunion
August 26- 29, 2021
WOW! What an amazing event!
We would like to extend a sincere thank you to this amazing Viper community. We enjoyed seeing those of you who connected with old friends, as well as others who made new friends. Hopefully, the track time, car shows, and local attractions provided something for everyone to enjoy.
Because of your generosity, we are humbled and honored to share with you that the Viper Days Reunion has raised $49,383.00 that will go directly to Camp Courageous.
The camp’s director Charlie Becker has shared their youtube page and the attached video. Again thank you so much to the Viper community.
Here is the link: https://youtu.be/Tedd36YI22Y
Preview YouTube video 2021 Camp Courageous – Viper Days2021 Camp Courageous – Viper Days

![VN LOGO[96]](http://www.viperdaysracing.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/VN-LOGO96-300x161.png)